Master Battle various vocational skills and experi (go back »)

July 10 2008, 9:46 PM

3.05 editions are because of the joining of the new skill, its mode of deed has changed too, the following I to all professional obtains and individual play, please realize carefully, it is sure to accommodate you to believe.

ZS: It is the weapon fight at present at most, lead him to travel round the world the same as ago in play, he transfers it to you on the refrigerator, he finishes transferring to the only rubbish, ice the ring and try hard to use the weapon Z few unless it is absolutely necessary. Violent Z should pay attention to the pace to solve to intercept many once, it is not general and tall that 2 handfuls of both hands weapon is assaulted. Say FZ especially, can play defend Z loud threat most to FS at present, what I shelp is good FZ played, ring of getting up hand must ice in sheep, otherwise ZS accuse connect shield hit silence finish, come one shock blood, FS of wave, lay 1/3 in sheep for meaning 3 second,cheap wow gold buy, succeed in sheep read, ice arrow get half mend sheep continue, read, ice arrow start to exchange fire, wash + strengthen, princident from ear-piercing on the contrary lose, ZS intercept, flash, go, continue with ice arrow deceive, reflect, cross, deceive, arrive, turn on blood vessels to be strong to read 3 ice arrow continue kite at once wake up, ZS will limitless accuse during this time, oneself think situation spend ice piton or person of 2 ring iced use together, generally accuse 3 period has been all allow faint by immunity behind being intercepted, mainly don't be stuck by ZS, strengthen shield it hits to be general nausea, in a word no business when type ZS must make good use of ice piton and better instead, this is capital that FS hit ZS.

DZ: Does if it is injuring at most, threaten not big to icing F, what the ice piton is used is move onod. To fight Z want with fire, deceive, strengthen, throw then settle down, ice arrow, it is heavy to offpurpose, pay attention to, flash for him to turn on or refrigerator have little trouble too. Deep sharp Z because next to the skin skill hence difficult to play, but present shadow step must admit, release under without body definitely situation a little, that is to say it is who uses shadow step that DZ has been iced he, FS must be remembered, ice shield break, will release one ring of icing that does not decrease advanceively and existence that form deeply type DZ to be kind to fight than ago now, not appearing evenly and forming deeply, make the play particularly, DZ gains up hands pay the throat, carry for 3 seconds and employ water and flash, shield broken DZ ice, see DZ reperformance, general cape solve shadow step kidney hit, with whom medal solve being kind to fight, FS direct refrigerator, gain to ice ring plan, pay special attention to, disappear, the situation can 80% catch Z while being even water ready, if passed and caught at this moment the victory or defeat has been settled already, nonsensical even if DZ opened shadow dance after; Saying that Z is ambushed, ambushes out and explodes, FS is being reduced and moved and excuted a law the pace (will all generally appear to explode) ,The blood vessels solve and lose changing sheep, see the situation and mpurpose sheep, draw back henceme ago employing water and reading fireballs and connecting 1 grade and icing arrows, BB ice ring must be left and disappeared ' Key) ,wow gold,DZ throw + not worried to run, chase, FS ice ring + ice rifle + dry, DZ cape, FS flash, DZ shadow step kidney hit, FS refrigerator, because DZ already to chase FS can not move on back to kill water or blind his DZ and only choose to disappear from far, FS prepares water BB and ices the ring and pays special attention to disappearing, there is time of specific DZ2 that disappears too, don't find out that wake up and repeat the on-mentioned movements behind the refrigerator is urgent and cold to rain.

SS: Grains of egg the SS most,guard the SS areas general,until what FS threaten, turn on strong to if reading, last arrow or choose if killing, guard all precise in blood vessels (guard by one that kill well) ,He become, have pieces of skill can with per second to cook radius yard of blood, XXX of enemy,s, ZS -alike whirlwind after, must not near; 17/44 ruin SS than egg difficult point, SS of egg, hollow to protect mainly, remember, lose or change skill stray bullet of fight secretly, the stray bullet should be strengthened, will be flashed and gone in pace while bombing and connected on the contrary, because does not take public CD on the contrary, the new hand FS must be remembered; Fine acheful SS that play play while being extremely difficult,wow power leveling, can let you experience why he ask sorrow wizard fully, 7 district soul of devil, name call TERMINATORY, purple night deep and remote getd, get up hand employ water on ice piton first + fire wash + ice ring draw back some from offend water, desert water BB rapidly, the skill is read half stop deceiving inside out,wow power leveling, I have not been successful to them, pass, deceive, get, erupt on blood vessels, do want, stand, turn on, defend, scare wink, very think solving and cursing either with water BB,wow gold, it is very low to curse the previous injury, is hanging up cursing,wow power leveling, solving in 10-15 seconds, save public CD to expand DPS, make good use of 1 grade ice arrow,even N time die they kite that have beforeny really,and whether performanceually less than SS there aren't 20% blood only, China die,wow gold, have medal had better medal solve, refrigerator permit DOT that have one's body coned with, don't study video block death those have no meaning, they came out from NNN film editing in a lens, unless you really have that technology as I have not shelp.

SM: The ones that resume will seldom not say temporarily with FSPK; Under strengthen want, say, for get up hand employ wolf, we play with, ice surabout wolf to be strong to wait for wolves to disappear aobtainst SM shadow body, ride a horse come out sheep SM, fireball reach half park, mend sheep, one carelessness may on deceive get medal + foundation, if cross, deceive, arrive, strong to continue sheep turn on blood vessels go to 36 read 3 ice arrow keep the moral integrity protecting the circle of marrying in the whole journey instead, SM turn into wolf chase, FS ice piton ice rifle fire foundation + fire wash, China ice shake, surabout SM ice rifles on ice, neared the body and flashed aprofit, there is no SM of BB at the disposal of FS; The element can be hit and can be added, threaten bigger in icing F,wow power leveling, but I am full of ideas, gain up hands destroy the foundation, open the blood vessels sheep, 90% of success rate, go to most far place of 36 yards to 2 has put and ice arrows, he enters you and retreats, he retreat you enter, blue to wake on sheep SM up, dawdle he just anyway, allow him obey, admit place skill to be out of range just, ice rifle kill foundation, give lightning on the contrary, allow him add, dawdle, get SM exact to do people lose finally.

XD: Have no brain to ice arrows to employ water in resuming D, admit WL 3 old ornaments, the resuming amount is not 2.43 high; Natural Germany injures very high attentiabove and protects the life, usually have that kind that DOT ran, employ water read, ice arrow fearen he away, he too of wretched appearance to flash to eat and drink backward in of wretched appearance you first, rear people ice meet pieces of ice piton threaten FS; Turn into YD with quick body and threaten to icing F greatly very big, the play (what I shelp is god YD that says to god XD below, ice basically skill without effective control YD of the law, hands arise to sreport and flash and move on to to employ water farthest at once, interception is 25 yards, drag and flash for time, put and obey and spurpose the skill to make during this time, in case XD intercepts on the your tempo refrigerator of the halo, ice ring come out, + flash + blood vessels + icing arrogetg easy, medal desert, dry, ice ring to be adequate as to genepochl YD ice piton.

MS: AM, not any OK spacing out have no brain to ice arrows to employ water to space out, don't stand with water, the refrigepochtor hencelves silence to continue having no brain to ice arrows; It is adequate for because religious discipline one to injure in persabove, can produce strength and cause death, can only be of wretched appearance to flow, consume him blue, the refrigepochtor deserts the umbra evil spirit.

QS: Say QS of the edition at present finally, only says and disciplines QS as a cautioning, someone speaks in imtimess FS has iced arrows and has already been killed by QS when being sold yet,buy cheap wow gold, but the assault of QS is too high, it has those skills that we come to understand lower QS at first, 1. freedom blessing, greatest wound to FS, 2. Move +15% pace, that is to say, have any BUFF situation, FS run QS, 3. Treat holily, having seen the full pot in QS tgetkling of an eye not blue of blood of having, 4. Unmatched shield. Unless in a word it type 2 sets QS I, break out very much, consume very much for 2 period 1,I the low in injury can only second, it is that you flash after turning about to him suddenly when QS catch up with you quickly to be a little very important, can generally strive for a piece of time to ice arrows or sheep,wow gold, it should be a little easier to take the strong competence of icing instead and make QS, some FS always alikes stealing freedom, tells you, there is not any meaning alike this with my experience of 3, even it is forever quicker than you in pace to steal his movement, your ice surrounds him and only uses one to disperse, you will find your already empty blood when you stole freedom, and the discipline competence defended dispersing the result.

The on I to all professiaboveal obtains and commonly used play, cross rookie have unidentified pale place can add my

In wow's letter


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